Pete's Photography - Rodeo Photographer
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Rodeo Candids

Joe Yoder is a pickup man at the Ram Rodeo Tour.
Joe Yoder is a pickup man at the Ram Rodeo Tour, he has a soft heart for Swiss cowgirls.

Amber Marshall from the Heartland TV Series at the Ram Rodeo Tour.
Amber Marshall from the Heartland TV Series at the Ram Rodeo Tour.

Kimberly Dawn-Hanna from Kicking Cowgirl Designs with their CEO Noah.
Kimberly Dawn-Hanna from Kicking Cowgirl Designs with their CEO Noah.

Candid shot of bull rider Curtis Crowley and Crowley Jr. at the Ram Rodeo Tour

Candid shot of bull rider Curtis Crowley and Crowley Jr. at the Ram Rodeo Tour.


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